Posts in training
4 Steps you must take to Measure Training Effectiveness

Measure Training Effectiveness Restaurants

Each year globally many millions in Sterling are spent on training in the Hospotality Industry. It would seem reasonable to establish just how effective this training has been if only to help justify the budget.

When it comes to evaluating training effectiveness, the Psychological Community typically falls into two main camps.  The narrow focused approach being attributed to Donald L Kirkpatrick in the early 1960s and the somewhat broader model advocated by P. Warr et al (The Evaluation of Management Training) known as the CIRO model. The CIRO model looked at context evaluation, input evaluation, reaction evaluation and outcome evaluation.  Personally I have found Kirkpatrick's methods to be the most widely adopted in the Hospotality Industry.

Donald L Kirkpatrick’s "Four steps to measuring training effectiveness”

This model uses four separate stages for the evaluation of the effectiveness of a training program.

The four stages are:-

  1. Reaction – How the trainee “feels about the course”?  
  2. Learning – Did learning occur?  
  3. Behavior – Has behavior changed? 
  4. Results – Has productivity or quality of work improved? 

1. Reaction - We use post course feedback to attain this.

The first stage is about the reaction of the trainee to the training. This sort of measurement is concerned with how the trainees "feel” about the course. The usual course feedback sheets are an example of the Kirkpatrick level 1 evaluation. Most organisations do not do any more than this type of measurement and analysis. The drawback is that we do not really know if the trainee has actually learnt anything. 

2. Learning - We use pre & post-tests than compare the results to validate this.

The second stage is about answering the question, did learning occur?  We can test this by using a pre-test and post-test and comparing the results. The questions need to be objective and closely related to the course objectives. In this way we can determine if the training actually delivered knowledge and this was understood by the trainees at the time. Weather or not the trainee remembers the training 3 weeks later is answered in the next stage.

3. Behaviour -  We use trainer/ manager feedback to validate this.

The third stage is about measuring if behaviour has changed. By that we mean the measurable change in an individual as a result of their attendance on the training course. While a behaviour may change during a training session, or even for a few days immediately after that, it is critical to revisit the trainee with a post training assessment at least 1 week after the training has occurred.  In the Hospotality Industry this could mean a visit by a district manager or a feedback form completed by a direct supervisor.  A sustained change in behaviour must me observed.

4. Results - We look to improvement in our KPI’s to validate this.

The fourth and final stage is about looking to our KPI's to determine if the training was ultimately successful.  We need to look at our KPI's to determine if the training has actually been translated into tangible benefits to the organisation. These are metrics which really have an impact on the "bottom line” and for that reason feature in the companies balance sheets and KPIs.

We have to ask ourselves is this not the real reason for training?

Training has to make a real difference in performance and effectiveness.  Training has to deliver measurable results.  If you are running training programs at your restaurant organization, and you, like most companies are not measuring effectiveness... you may have one or more of the following problems:

High-turnover of staff, low morale, consistency issues, cleanliness issues, performance issues, quality issues.

If this is the case, reach out to us, let us help you.




4 Reasons Why Video-based Training is the future of People Development in Organizations

4 Reasons why Video-based Training is the future of People Development

  • Proximity of training to application
  • Better standardization of time expectations
  • Enriched Experience
  • Overcome Language Barriers

1. Proximity of training to application

In many cases, people attend a training session and do not get a chance to apply what they learn straight away and when the time comes to apply the learning they cannot recall the solution in detail. By having videos kept online, employees can access the training videos just before they need it in real life rather than attending training class weeks/ months before they need it to complete the job. 

2. Better standardization of time expectations

By using video-based training, companies can also limit and track the time employees spend in training, i.e. a 2 minute training video will take only two minutes, not more than that. This permits better organization of the trainees time. 

3. Enriched Experience 

Videos make it easy for a trainer to demonstrate how a product/ procedure works in the real world. Photos and animation can always be helpful but a video can bring the product/ procedure to life for learners. A video showing how to handle an angry customer is substantially better than reading about it.

4. Overcome Language Barriers

According to a study conducted by Cisco, 90% of users, who use video conferencing technology very often, reported that a lot of cross-cultural and language confusion can be avoided with the help of this technology. Surely a picture speaks a 1,000 words!

In conclusion, video-based training is a powerful tool for any organization to train their staff and allow them to learn in-house. It will allow for saving resources while delivering a superior result.

To learn about the 4 Key Benefits of Video Based Training, click right here. 

The 4 Key benefits of video-based training for Restaurants

The 4 Key Benefits of Video-based Training

Training through Video is quickly becoming the medium of choice for many restaurant organizatios because it is cost effective, has long lasting positive effects and allows everyone to learn at their own pace.  The result is a more productive, proficient and profitable work force. [You can watch a sample restaurant training video here.][1]

The 4 key benefits of video-based training are:
* Video based Training is Cost Effective
* Video based training has long-lasting effect on motivation and learning
* Allows everyone to learn according to their speed of learning
* Increase employees’ productivity and profitability

1. Video based Training is Cost Effective – Traditionally, staff need to travel from one site to another to attend/ conduct training and this generates a lot of investment for the organization in terms of cost and time. This investment could be a huge loss for the company given the high attrition rates in the hospitality segment. This is the reason that video based training, is preferred compared to traditional face to face training. Once created, the video training is available at any time and any place. Trainers can create materials that can be centrally housed on the web so employees can access it any time they need. This allows an organization to save a lot of time and expenses and invest the same in any other activity (John C. Boling). 

2. Video based training has long-lasting effect on motivation and learning – People watch television / video on a daily basis for entertainment or educational purpose and can easily remember what they have seen. One of the main advantages of video based training is the ability to connect with trainees on an emotional and cognitive level. Visuals and graphics used in a video training can have a long-lasting effect on trainees. Trainees can connect themselves with videos on an emotional level and it can have solid effect on trainees’ cognitive learning as well as motivational learning. Training videos with legends and self-explanations can improve the trainees’ confidence to learn and imply the same on work (Lin, 2003).

3. Allows everyone to learn according to their speed of learning – Each individual has a different pace of learning and understanding. Individuals need a certain amount of time to understand the training material and this differs from person to person. Video training allows the individual to go through the training material at a pace which is most appropriate for their learning. 

4. Increase employees’ productivity and profitability - According to a whitepaper written by Dave Boggs, founder of SyberWorks, online / video training programs help employees to increase their knowledge and skill levels. These video trainings will help them to become better at their jobs, more productive and efficient.  

There will always be a need for face to face or one on one training in any restaurant, but solely relying on this traditional training format would be detrimental to the organization.  It would be down right negligent to ignore the areas where Video based learning delivers a stronger result.